Winter Pony Portraits

Winter isn’t exactly the most exciting time to be an equestrian or horse owner. Between the frigid temperatures, ice and snow or the warm winters with rain and mud, it’s really a struggle to find motivation anywhere to do anything outside of care for our four legged companions.

In Pennsylvania it’s a roll of the dice which type of winter we’ll have, or if we’ll have some of each. Either way, unless we’re actively showing throughout the season our horses begin to look a little scruffy, rough around the edges or as equestrians may call it they look “homeless”. As horse enthusiasts and riders we attempt to crack a giggle here and there to excuse our horse’s winter appearance due to mostly our own lack of motivation and enthusiasm for the season. However, even through the cracked jokes and forced frozen smiles, our horses are there. They are comfy and warm in their winter fur coats, shaggy and a little messy. The once perfectly groomed and glowing coat, may seem a little dull in the barn lights, but still finds the ability to shine in the peeping rays of the warm winter sun.

Contrary to our feelings about how our horses should be looking during these cold and blustery months, our horses are still just as beautiful and majestic as ever. Enjoying the brisk winter air that gives them life and energy to bound around their paddocks and keeping their humans at bay inside the barn. Our trusty companions are relishing in the forced downtown time and slow down that winter brings with it, rejuvenating their minds and spirits for what adventures await them with Spring nearing closer each day.